So I'm back. After a week of driving and cavorting through the Midwest I made it back to Michigan yesterday and passed out in my childhood bed after a yummy homemade dinner and a quick update to my friends. I miss them all so much. I know moving isn't goodbye, and changes happen all the time, but it's been quite a mixture of somberness (is this a word? I know I have an English major friend out there 😉) and excitement amidst a lot of movement and random changes in plans. Spoiler alert: this week is just the first of many where I'll be living out of a suitcase hehe.
Bruh so much has happened. A dear friend had told me that they preferred to leave a party at its peak but damn is it hard not staying longer and doing a typical Midwestern goodbye. I've gotten used to people leaving me - sorry no, that sounds way more traumatic than it actually is, I just meant people in my life moving away - but I've never been the one leaving. It sucked back then being left behind but it kinda sucks even more being the one doing the leaving and knowing that you could stop and stay to end the pain but you go through it anyway, and make those you love suffer too. Maybe that's too dramatic of me but what can I say. I love being theatrical.
February was a blur. Celebrating Lunar New Year's with my shining star, to snowboarding with my shredding sista. Pizza parties with the pals to post-confessing to a college crush (on LinkedIn no less). Reuniting with my radiant roomie to a Candlenight concert feat. Studio Ghibli and a sweetie. Ok that's enough alliteration I can't do anymore anyways I got a concussion soon after but got to spend some wonderful time gallivanting around City Park talking about duck intercourse and elephant calls with some dear friends (see Figure 1 below).
Guess what I'm describing.
This is the cutest picture ever - thank you J
I also had the cutest concussion caretakers (shit, back at it again), reunions with fave college profs, lavish Lush self-care nights, and the sweetest Valentine's Day flowers from my sister 💗 she knows my faves.
The 15th was our Palentine's Party, which was such a wonderful snowy love-filled day. So many beautiful friends and food and meaningful cards and gorgeous bouquets like LOOK at these - ngl I'd be a florist anyday.
That night I went to my first singles mixer, with some kind words of support and little treats in the form of a drink on them from loved ones - and talked to some beautiful people! Nothing crazy but I'm poy for putting myself out there. Still got to end the night with the smiling face of a dear friend as I picked her up from the airport and caught up on the tea mwehehehe
You thought this was busy? nah the second half of Feb was when shit got realllllll I went to a protest with an absolute sweetheart, sung my heart out with the best at Pearl Divers, and started saying my goodbyes to my day ones. We went on a cabin weekend post a friend's car crash (she's ok thank god) and made momo and fires and hot tubbed. I started getting job interviews and bleached my hair (frosted tips BABE-Y) and went to see Mean Girls then Avs game then palak paneer cook-off (hats off to you M) then HTTYD in concert holy shit I swear I went to Denver more in this last week than I have in the past year. Especially that one quadrant of Speer which I used to go to SO OFTEN for reasons. Damn that sounds so shady but it's not I swear I just knew someone who lived there who I'm very proud of now and wishing the best for.
Honestly, this past year and especially month in Colorado have been so healing. Being on my own, experiencing Colorado knowing that I would leave, and still pouring my love into my community and seeing it grow even as I knew it would be harder to leave has been so fulfilling and meaningful. Thank you all for giving me this year, these few years, this lifetime of laughs together. Let's keep in touch, yeah? If you're still here with me, know that i'm not going anywhere and that I can't wait to see you again. I love you guys. (gals, and nonbinary pals. guys is gender neutral for me but I've always wanted to use this phrase hehehe)
BWAAAAAAH I'm crying again. That going away party? Always golden in my memories. Shit hurt, but it felt so good knowing that I had people that I hurt that much for. Thank you all, truly. God I miss it. I miss being in Colorado, surrounded by your wonderful presences. wow. sending you all hugs.
Thank goodness for my parents being there not only to support me emotionally but also driving that whole first leg to Omaha while I cried in the backseat like Chihiro (I getchu girl now where's my Haku dragon bb)
to my og colorado babes, this song is for you. i miss you all. sending love. mwah
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