Hello and welcome back! This season, we will be exploring Memphis, Tennessee through the eyes of Anu Tuladhar, sophomore in biomedical engineering, leader of the trip EHCO (Engineering and Health Community Outreach), and in general, a very tired person.
But not this morning! When I woke up at 4:45 after three and a half hours of sleep, I was running around the house, throwing in last minute clothes and taking out unneeded layers. I skipped up the stairs and galloped across the floor. I was on an adrenaline rush.
We (obviously) left the house a bit late, around 5:40, to go pick up Darel so that I could drag him to Dollar Car Rental in Detroit just so he could sign a single piece of paper and be authorized as an additional driver. Poor guy. He was such a good sport about it though--I'm so glad he's my co-driver.
When we got to Dollar, I was sweating bullets about the reservation and the nasty reviews I had read about customer service there and of the total price, since I really didn't want to exceed my kids' costs (my travelers are my kids and I will refer to them henceforth as such). But we were able to get out of there with a full-size vehicle (not the economy class I had booked), with insurance and an additional driver for sub-$700! (Just barely, and may increase after I bring the car back and they actually charge my card, but still a good sign). Lots of thanks due to my momma and her amazing ways.
We chose a Nissan Altima (I chose it for the moonroof but shhh don't tell my parents that because this car had the highest mileage but I insisted it was fine) and drove back to Ann Arbor without issue. On the drive back, I was thanking every higher being up there for the good blessings and good luck.
Once in Ann Arbor, we made the rounds to pick up the kids, made it to Austin and Abhay's, and separated into our cars, with me, Darel, Jason, and Aliah in ours, and Austin, Abhay, Alexa, Rikako, and Rebecca in his. We both planned to meet up at the Tim Hortons on Saline, but each car had to turn back for different reasons--bedding and cameras. Our car was able to make it to Tim Hortons and still grab breakfast and some snacks, while still making it out to the road before the others (woot).
The drive down was good. The kiddos kept intermittently falling asleep while Aliah supplied us with directions and good tunes, but after a few hours I felt myself drifting off too. Remembering the pathography of the man who got in a car accident after all four college students (including the driver) fell asleep while road tripping, I quickly asked Darel to switch with me, and napped the other hour until we got to Indianapolis for lunch.
Indianapolis is BEAUTIFUL. It reminds me so much of Chicago with the high rises, one-way streets, huge stores, and fancy monuments. We found our way to the parking structure and up to the food court, where we met up with the other car, ate lunch, and sat and had a water-boiler about what we thought should be made legal.
From there, it was a straight shot down to Memphis, through Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas, with a few rest stops here and there, a couple driver switches, and nap times. We didn't experience the fear of getting caught by the police after speeding 92 right past one (which then suddenly turned its lights and siren on), or of cutting in front of one like Austin and Abhay's car did. Nor did we have the traumatic bonding experience of putting the bumper back on the car after it rattled off. But we sang songs, answered some Buzzfeed questions, and got to know each other a bit better.
We got to Memphis around 8:30 CST and finally got to meet Jeff, the man!! After situating ourselves in our (M-HEAL only) bunkroom, we sat down with him and got introduced (he's so nice and his accent is very comforting), then head out to Huey's Burgers to satisfy our hunger and shoot some toothpicks through our straws (right before we got in the cars, we witnessed a catfight. A literal one. Two cats, just going at it, yowling like they were Warrior Cats). Picture included later when I remember to upload them from my phone. ((Not of the cats, sorry. Missed the chance to take a video :( but I have a video of Darel getting a toothpick in the ceiling! And a hella artsy one Rikako took of me trying and failing. But I tried! That's what counts ain't it??))
Since we got back, we chilled for a bit, wrote down some reflections and expectations, made Jason write a blog post, and played a round of Settlers of Catan (one of the best board games ever IMO). Somehow I won, even though I kept distracting myself with my phone half the game, but I'm not complaining ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's now 1:24 AM and I should get to bed so I can get ready to the National Civil Rights Museum tomorrow. I know this post is a bit cut and dry--it's much less me than I normally feel it is, but man I'm tired. I'll try to do better tomorrow. But for now, good night!