Saturday, July 2, 2016

The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow!

Welp, here goes.

Flight is tomorrow, and I'm all packed and all, yet I. Am. Irrationally. Worried.
Yay anxiety!

This blog will probably turn out to be rather like an informal, totally public diary of my innermost thoughts-quite like Riddle's.

I'm assuming y'all know me, so I won't bother with introductions, but here's the bare basics:
Name: Anu Tuladhar (full name Anusuya-but I'm only called that when I get in trouble)
Age: 17 (dancing queen!!)
Height (?): 5'4'' I want to be taller. Just a bit. Please.
Hobbies: Reading, Crying, Sleeping, Eating

Right now I am not in the best state of mind, so excuse my rampant and wholly unnecessary sarcasm. Hopefully tomorrow turns out better.

ALSO! I'll try to update everyday, but we all know that won't be happening. My going rate will probs be every week or so, more if I have more to rant about.

By the way, I've had the song stuck in my head since this morning.

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